What Should I Expect When Getting My Car Washed?

car washing detailTaking your car to a professional car wash is the best way to give your car the care and attention it needs, but there are a few things that you must pay attention to before, during and after the process:

  • If you take your car to an automated wash, pick a business that uses the latest technology – that way you can make sure that there will be no detergent marks on the car exterior after the washing;
  • Check out the products used during the washing – not all paint is compatible with all types of car soap and the wrong detergent can seriously damage the paint on your car;
  • Don’t leave the car wash with a wet exterior – always dry the car or get it dried off with microfiber cloth, designed especially for wiping surfaces in a gentle and efficient manner. Soap residues left on the car are difficult to remove later and they can damage the paint as well;
  • Make sure the bottom of the car is washed as well – the area is permanently exposed to the effects of salt, water, mud, grime, other chemicals from the road and to impact, so its cleanliness is very important.

To get your car looking its best do an online search 'excellent auto detailing near me' to find the best!

First Seen right here: What Should I Expect When Getting My Car Washed?


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