The Best Tips for Vacuuming Leaves Out of Your Car

Many people love the idea of vacuuming their cars, since the vacuum cleaner gets between all the narrow spaces, eliminates debris from all the cracks, and does an overall thorough job when it comes to removing fallen leaves, dust and other elements from your vehicle. But what if your vacuum doesn’t do the trick, and you’re forced to look for alternative options?

One of the best alternative things to do is to just use a bigger vacuum at a drive through car wash near me. In some cases, this will work to get leaves and stuff that’s wedged in pretty good between the larger or heavier elements of the car’s interior. In many cases, however, you’ll run into a limit when it comes to the maximum size and power of the vacuum cleaner you can use on your car without damaging it.

autumn car vacuming

Finally, probably the best way to “vacuum” leaves from your car is to blow them out. Many people actually recommend using a good old fashioned leaf blower for the job.

How do you do it? Simply open all your doors along with the trunk, remove any fragile or smaller items that could be damaged by the leaf blower’s power, and start blowing out the car. It will get everything from under the seats, within the seat cracks and even around the dashboard and AC vents.

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