How to Clean Hard to Reach Cracks in Your Car’s Interior

Cleaning out the interior of your car can seem like an easy job, but it’s actually much more tricky than you think. Failing to clean all the little cracks and crevices in the interior of your vehicle can result in poor odor and even health hazards, depending on the types of spillages that have occurred and how long various organic or non-organic substances have been festering inside your car.

drive through car wash To clean all the tiny cracks inside your car, here are some cleaning tips from a drive through car wash near me to get you started:

  • The first thing to do is to remove all the items that could get in the way. Mats, seat coverings and various interior storage items have to be taken out of the car so you can gain proper access to all the little cracks and crevices.
  • Take apart your car’s console if the design allows you to do so. It’s much easier to clean through all the cracks if you don’t actually need any tiny tools to do it.
  • Use a toothbrush to get through places that are difficult to clean. A toothbrush is the perfect tool. Just sprinkle the bristles with some interior cleaner, and you’re all good to go.
  • Finally, a there are many innovative cleaning methods for cleaning various cracks and crevices inside your car. Compressed air, trim and lug brushes and even q-tips can work wonders if you use them properly.

First Seen here: How to Clean Hard to Reach Cracks in Your Car’s Interior


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